The Night Guest

The Night Guest

Once when I was at kindergarten, I had to stay in my room alone for the first time. With a fluttering heart I went to bed. At midnight, I was awaken by a mysterious sound and I could not understand where I was.

The moon was shining through the window making all the things look utterly strange in its silver light. The wardrobe at the corner of my bedroom seemed to be a castle in a fairy-tale. The big mirror on its door turned into another window with yet another moon. I began to sense something extraordinary and furtive. Then I happened to gaze at the chair beside my study table. What did I see? A long-bearded dwarf in a hood there staring at me. Believe me! He was shaking his head and dangling his legs. I wanted to jump out of the bed and scream as loud as I could. Will it let me go safe? Surely, it will hurt me if I scream now. I wanted to cry loud, but instead I was sobbing quietly on my bed unable to move.

Having heard my sobbing, my mother came rushing the room and turned on the light. Then I saw my clothes: a frock in a mess, the crumbled dressing-gown, and the tights hanging loosely from draught. My mother saw me crawled in bed screwing my eyes. She came to me and asked me what happened in a soothing voice to which I did not answer. The only thing I did was gazing in surprise. Then my mother put the clothes in order and then said “I’ll be there with you. Do not be afraid my dear”.

Sure the night guest comes only to those children who do not put their cloths in order. After that I always make sure that my room is tidy and organized.


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