Have belief in you - The magic for success

Once upon a time there was a prosperous kingdom ruled by a wise king. The king had a handsome son. Unfortunately, the prince was born with a hunchback and this was obviously visible as he grew up. The king consulted the best doctors in the kingdom for his son. 

The doctors informed the king that the prince’s hunchback could be rectified with a set of exercises. The king encouraged the son to do the prescribed exercises faithfully. Moreover, in order to give the prince a self-image the king called the best sculptors to prepare a statue of the prince with a straight back. 

Whenever the prince went out into the garden he gazed at the statue and wished he could be just like the statue. So he began to spend more time by the statue along with the prescribed exercises done, with the desire and determination to achieve the goal. Then after several months,in one fine morning something remarkable and miraculous happened. The prince was standing straight looking tall just like the statue!!!


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