Nature’s most precious gifts: The flowers

I want to be like a flower which gives fragrance to the world by my thoughts
I want to be like a flower which makes the world beautiful by my deeds
I want to be like a flower which helps the world keep life by my positive energy
I want to be like a flower which is spiritually bonded with the peace of mind

I want to love and be loved like a flower 

The proud deer

Once upon a time, there lived a deer-family in a jungle. The mother-deer and father-deer loved the baby-deer very much and raised him affectionately. The baby-deer was well-fed and taken care of by his parents. Time passed by and the baby-deer grew to be a young,well- built handsome deer. Then mother and father deer allowed the son to roam in the jungle and become independent. However, before the journey the parents gave their son a number of advice. Among them, the most prominent one was to be on alert and careful while taking care of his health without facing injuries. The son-deer nodded and took his farewell of .his parents and off he ran to the jungle.
One day the deer was roaming in search of food and he reached to a sparkling water spring. He bowed his head to drink some water where he saw his reflection in shallow water. He go so much attracted by his own image and was glaring at it. “Wow ! What a lovely pair of crown horns ”
He turned his head each and every side and felt really proud in order to possess them. He was all over the moon and gazed at the image mesmerised.
Then he noticed his legs. “Oh! What shameful legs. They hinder my glorious look .” He then though that how stupid his parents must have been that they advised him not to get into injuries and protect his legs. “Instead they should have asked me to adore my pair of horns” recalled the deer to himself.

Meanwhile, the king of the forest, the lion was keenly observing the well- built deer and the deer started to run as fast as he could sensing the danger. However, his royal horns didn't corporate with his speed as they got caught frequently in the branches. Ultimately, he could escape from the lion after a vigorous race all thanks to his thin legs. There after he was determined not to judge the value of the things just by their looks. 

The baby woodpecker

One morning, I could see through the window that my kitten, Sweety is gazing at something very excitedly. As I know from experience, she is very keen on the uninvited guests to the garden and I thought of better having a look myself.
It was a woodpecker!
Sure. Sweety does not know him. But he reminded me of my childhood friend, a baby woodpecker

When I was with my grandparents, a bright coloured woodpecker couple had made a nest in a cotton tree in the garden. At first, the hatchlings just peeped, asking their parents for food and adding to the general cacophony of the forest. Later, they climbed on to the branch and began the flying lessons. Mum- woodpecker was guiding the little ones. However the first attempt was a failure. They fell on the grass, flapped their wings then rested, flapped some more and then rested. Without a lot of strength and the knack for flying, they weren’t having much success. I showed the scene to the grandpa “look at the little birdies.”  I have always loved birds and animals, and always tried to find affectionate names for them.
It happened that one of the little birdies got up too high and as it was falling to the ground and, hit the mango tree trunk. It hit hard and lay motionless on the ground. I found the baby- bird laying, picked it up and carried it carefully home.
“Grandpa, a terrible thing has happened! The birdie is dead! ” I announced
My grandpa listened to the bird’s heart- It was beating
“He is not dead child, just unconscious. We’ll take a good care of the poor thing”
Grandpa found a cardboard box for the birdie and I picked up some grass to put on it to keep the birdie warm. Then we covered it with a net.
“What about his meals grandpa?” I questioned
“Let’s place some grains, bread crumbs and water for the birdie “replied grandpa.
By evening the birdie had woken up, drank some water and ate some bread crumbs. He did this for two days. On the third day, the birdie started to peep and squawk as something had gone wrong.  We came to see what the matter was. The poor baby bird has got tangled in the grass. He was pulling and squawking, but could not get free. Instead he seemed to be more and more tangled with the attempt.
“Help the poor thing child” said grandpa, “but be careful. Pull off one blade of grass at a time. The birdie must be afraid and will struggle. Don’t squeeze it. ”
I was very careful as I did not want to make the situation worse. But suddenly I cried out as my hand was hurt.
“It scratches!”  I cried
A bird’s legs are very thin and the claws are very sharp, like needles and cling very tight. Of course. They have to be. That is a gift by Mother Nature. How else could a bird climb up and down a tree head first?
Even though my hands were scratched, I managed to untangle the little birdie from the grass.
Two days later, the birdie seemed to be fine and much healthier. We bought the box out of the balcony and removed the net.
“Let him decide for himself” said grandpa. “If he can fly- fine. If he falls, we’ll pick him up”
The next day the box was empty - the birdie had flew away. But it had grown accustomed to people, and flew around the house all day long, eating his faviourite bread crumbs.

 Birds do not forget the kindness!

Weekend at a wonderland

I visited my grandparents in village
After a hectic week of monotony
I stepped out to the surrounding in one evening
What a breathtaking beautiful transformation
of the simple village to a silvery wonderland

It was indeed a luxurious midnight feast to break my monotonous routine

The moonlight night was a time of rejoicing
With all soothing scenery in front of me
The croaking of frogs, the sharp chirping
of grasshoppers  and myriads of other night insects
broke the eerie silence on and off

I remember   during the school vacation
how we were singing to the silver moon
 which seemed to be looking down on us lovingly
how we ran with the moon peeping through trees and clouds

What a wonderful playmate the moon could be with little children

Gazing up at the sky which was peaceful and serene
how I wished I could be one of those little fleecy clouds
 kissing the moon’s face as it sailed along

Immersed in the milky white glow my heart again sang to the moon with joy

I sat under the lovable bamboo grove
Closed my eyes and listened to the soothing,
lilting melody Which I knew at that moment

 was meant to me

The bee and the pigeon

The bee and the pigeon

Image result for bee and pigeon story

One day a bee was flying above a stream. Suddenly it hit a branch of a neighboring Oak tree and fell into the water. The bee could not fly as its wings were wet and struggled to come out of the water. There was a pigeon on the branch of a tree and saw the pitiable bee in the water. The pigeon felt sympathy for the bee and dropped a leaf from the Oak tree nearby the bee.
The bee who was exhausted after the struggle to get out of the water, got on the leaf and managed to save its life. The bee’s wings gradually dried and after a while, the bee’s wings were not wet anymore and he could fly. The bee thanked the pigeon for rescuing it and flew away.

Several days later, a huntsman came in to the forest looking for a wild animal. Unfortunately, he was unable to hunt any animal for his meal. He sat under the Oak tree and rested a while. He saw the pigeon sleeping on a branch and thought of hunting the pigeon. He took the bore and aimed at the pigeon. Then the bee, rescued by the pigeon was flying nearby and saw the huntsman. The bee bit the huntsman and he screamed in pain. The pigeon was awaken by that scream and flew away thanking the bee.

A poem which made me think

Sita Speak

Image result for rama seetha

Sita, speak your side of the story
We know the other too well
Your father married you to a prince
Told you to be pliable as the bow
In your husband’s hand
Didn’t you notice Ram broke the magic bow?
They say you the ideal daughter,
Bowed your head in obedience

As you were sent away

With your husband you choose exile
Suffered privation, abduction
And then rejection-
The chastity test of the scorching flames,
Could those flames turn to flowers?
Without searing the soul

They say you the ideal wife;
You questioned him not
And let him have his way
The poets who wrote your story
Said: a woman is not worthy of hearing
The Ramayana; like a beast she is fit only for beaten
Could such poetry ever bring you glory
Yet they spoke their verses without challenge
And with such falsehood got away

Sita speak
You who could lift the magic bow in play
With one hand
Who could command the earth with a word
How did they silence you?



During the last weekend,I found a chance to have a chat with my niece who had recently returned to Sri Lanka from Germany for a vacation. While discussing about the life in Germany she declared that “Tomorrow is the grandparents’ day akki”  

Then I replied “Oh! Really. That must be really a new experience with excitement”
“Yep akki!!! In German for grandma and grandpa is oma and oppa” she added

“You know. During kindergarten we had the opportunity to listen to grandparents’ speeches on Grandparents' Day. It was infact interesting to share ideas, views and experience within two different generations. Some of them can still remember the distant times before the first space flights. Also some grandmas and grandpas still go to work and keen on sports and about their health. Many of them go jogging engage in cycling and swimming” she explained

“That’s really good. Of course, we all have a lot of things to learn from their experience.” I appreciated it

“Sure. I missed our grandma’s fairy tales a lot there.” She was worried

 Then she explained” The holiday on grandparents’ day is a lot of fun. All grandmas and grandpas look their best –they have special lovely badges, pins gifted from their grandchildren, greeting cards and invitations from various kindergartens. Once a grandmas received thirteen flowers from her grandchildren.”

Grandparents’ Day is a really good idea, don’t you think? We can visit our grandparents, greet them and help them with various things.
Hope we would be able to celebrate Grandparents' Day soon in Sri Lanka....

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